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  3. GORT Gantry Feasibility Studies

GORT Gantry Feasibility Studies

An Open Road Tolling Gantry on the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project

Tolplan performed a detailed toll feasibility study in respect of the 200 km Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project which is a project with an Initial Capital Cost of R20 billion (US$2,5 billion). The company also designed and supervised the construction of most of the 20 000 m2 Central Operations Centre, the 14 customer service centres, and the 42 tolling points. It furthermore prepared most of the tender documentation for and adjudication of the ORT toll system procurement (R1,166 billion) and the 10 year ORT operations contract. It has also acted as the Employment Representative for this major contract which is still on-going.

The toll feasibility study involved the evaluation of alternative toll strategies, traffic analysis, tariff discount and revenue analyses by means of a discount and revenue model, Open Road Tolling, operating cost estimates and extensive financial analyses. As part of the feasibility study, extensive market research in respect of the road users was undertaken and this information was used in the traffic and discount and revenue modelling.