Toll Operations and Maintenance Tolplan Operations has developed into a market leader in the field of the development, implementation and management of toll road operations and maintenance contracts in South Africa. It’s multidisciplinary composition and approach has enabled the company to provide a unique service to toll road authorities, concessionaires and operators.
Tolplan Operations is driven by an experienced team of project managers and engineers and provide the following services:
- The drafting of specifications, the compilation of tender documentation, the conducting of the procurement process and contract management of comprehensive toll operations and maintenance contracts. Due to the multi-disciplinary competence and experience of the company, these services can be offered for the following disciplines:
- Toll plaza operations, such as traffic, transaction and financial management, customer services, etc.
- Toll route operations, such as route patrols and Incident Management System operations
- Lane equipment maintenance
- Toll System maintenance and support
- Electrical and mechanical equipment maintenance
- Emergency communication equipment maintenance
- Routine Road Maintenance
- Co-ordination and integration of the above disciplines and processes to create a single point of responsibility in the form of a comprehensive toll road operations and maintenance contract
- Complete operational planning for toll roads on behalf of authorities, concessionaires and operators, including the following:
- Operational procedures
- Planning and implementation of special methods of payment
- Liaison with banks
- Public relations
- Training
- Traffic management and engineering analysis
- Financial management
- Fraud investigations
- The contract model provides for innovative approaches to risk sharing, operator payment methodologies, performance-based incentives and a combination of operations and maintenance disciplines resulting in a comprehensive service contract which offers a single point of responsibility to potential clients.
Tolplan has played a leading role in the development of the “Comprehensive Toll Road Operations and Maintenance”
Tolplan has also introduced an operations performance monitoring system and model based on defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) into the CTROM contract.
This model is used to monitor and manage key operational outcomes, based on a combination of system generated reports, inspections score-sheets and customer surveys.contract model in South Africa, which model is extensively used by the South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL). The company recently adapted the suite of CTROM Conditions of Contract and Standard Toll Operations and Maintenance Specifications to the international FIDIC Design, Building, Operate (DBO) type of contract.
For the implementation of Open Road Tolling (ORT) in South Africa, Tolplan has developed a suite of Operations Specifications that includes operations and maintenance specifications for:
- The Open Road Tolling (ORT)
- Operator The Transaction Clearing House (TCH) Operator and
- The Violations Processing Centre (VPC) Operator
The ORT suite of Operations Specifications also includes performance specifications and a KPI model which consists of approximately 100 defined performance measurements, designed specifically for ORT, TCH and VPC operations.
The Toll Operations Specifications also include a set of configurable business rules to be applied across the Gauteng ORT project, the TCH and the VPC and to external or participating Toll Agencies in accordance with the Employer’s policies at the time.
Tolplan has also played an important role as the toll specialist of the Independent Engineer team in some of South Africa’s leading BOT projects as well as in Greece. Its responsibilities included services such as contract documentation, tender adjudications and the review of toll road operations.